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Thursday, November 12, 2020

Sasseur Reit

 Beautiful set of financial numbers for 3rd quarter. Sasseur REIT Reports 3Q 2020 DPU of 1.764 cents, 

16.7% higher than 2Q 2020 DPU

▪ 3Q 2020 distributable income of S$21.2 million maintained at 100% 

distribution, DPU of 1.764 cents is 7.6% higher than 3Q 2019

▪ Portfolio sales rebounded strongly to nearly pre-COVID-19 levels in line with 

the economic recovery of China; four outlet malls generated total sales of 

RMB1.1 billion for 3Q 2020, 32.9% higher than 2Q 2020

▪ Completed early refinancing of loans due in March 2021 with no refinancing 

needed until March 2023, with lower interest costs and keeping a low gearing 

of 27.8%

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