The Central Depository ("CDP")
For anyone who wishes to Trade /Buy share listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange they will need to open a CDP account.
Once this CDP account has been registered/approved by the The Central Depository Pte Limited ("CDP"). The register member will then be able to open any security trading account with those registered Securities Brokering company such as LIM & Tan Securities, Kim Eng Securities, Ocbc Securities, DBS Vicker , CitiBank, Standard Chartered Bank etc.
The CDP provides the following services:
Quote from SGX website - "The Central Depository Pte Limited ("CDP") is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Singapore Exchange Ltd ("SGX"). We provide integrated clearing, settlement and depository facilities for our customers in the Singapore Securities Market, including both equities and fixed income instruments.
As an investor, you can view and manage the investments you have with multiple brokers through a single CDP Securities Account. "
You may access the web site to apply/open the CDP account -
Our Services include:
· Dividend Payment
· Rights Issue
· Takeover
· Company Warrants