

Friday, January 31, 2025

Mapletree Ind Tr - Today XD and the Big Boys seem selling down the Mapletree family reit all 3 counters closed lower, seem like they want to collect at a cheaper price

Mapletree Ind Tr  - Today XD and the Big Boys seem selling down the Mapletree family reit all 3 counters closed lower, seem like they want to collect at a cheaper price! 

She is down 5 cents to 2.10.

Yield is a whopping 6.45% looks like The Great Sales is here! 

Pls dyodd.

Today , buy back dinner from Ikea restaurants! Had tge usual meat balls. Mushrooms soup plus the Yam paste. Taste nice! Nom Nom!

 25th Jan 2025: 

Mapletree Ind Tr (MIT) - Results is out. DPU increased 1.1 percent to 3.41 cents vs 3.37 cents last year and higher than last quarter 3.36 cents, Fantastic !

Both Gross Revenue and NPI increased at 2% and 2.6% to 177.3m and 133.2m. Borrowing costs seem to have come down a bit. Operating expenses is lowered than last year.  

With some divestment gains to be equally distributed for next 2 quarters dpu likely remain satisfactory or slightly higher! Awesome!

I think nice sets of financial numbers! 

XD 31st January.  Paydate 14th March. 

Pls dyodd. 

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