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Monday, May 4, 2020


Wow! Nice set of financial results!
NPI is up 3.6% to $16.595m. DPU is up 1.9% to 1.28 cents.

NAV 82.1 cents.
IPO 88 cents.

Italy Sky is 100% occupancy!
I think undervalued is appealing!

Price likely to re-attempt the recent high of 63.5 cents. Breaking out smoothly plus high volume that may drive the price towards 70 then 80 cents.

Pls dyodd.

As at 31 March 2020, the portfolio has maintained a high committed occupancy of 99.8%, and a
long WALE of 9.9 years3 by NLA and 4.9 years by GRI. Majority of the leases expiring FY2020 by
NLA have been renewed. Approximately 80%3
 of its leases by NLA will only expire in 2024 and
beyond. 313@somerset registered positive rental reversion of 0.6% for the YTD ended 31 March

Sky Complex, LREIT’s property in Milan, is fully occupied by a single tenant and operates on a
triple-net lease structure. The tenant has activated its business continuity plan in March. With a
long lease term until 20323
 and annual rental escalation based on 75% of ISTAT consumer price
index variation4
, Sky Complex is projected to provide stable income stream to the portfolio.

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