

Thursday, August 1, 2019

CapitaR China tr

Placement share at $1.428 and pref share offering of every 1000 shares for 87 pref shares @ $1.42-$1.44. Advance dpu of 6.29 cents from 1st Jan to 13th Aug.

$273.4  million  to  S$279.4  million  by  way of: (i) (ii)   a  private  placement  (the  “Private  Placement”)  of  105,043,000  New  Units,  at  an issue  price  of  between  S$1.428  and  S$1.469  per  New Unit  (the “Private  Placement Issue  Price  Range”)  to  raise  gross  proceeds  of  approximately  between  S$150.0 million  and  S$154.3  million;  and   a  pro  rata  and  non-renounceable  preferential  offering  (the  “Preferential  Offering”) of  86,871,006  New  Units  (the  “Preferential  Offering  New  Units”)  on  the  basis  of 87  New  Units  for  every  1,000  existing  Units  (the  “Existing  Units”)  (fractions  of  a New  Unit  to  be  disregarded)  held  as  at  5.00  p.m.  on  13  August  2019  (the “Preferential  Offering  Books  Closure  Date”)  to  Eligible  Unitholders  (as  defined herein)  at  an  issue  price  of  between  S$1.420  and  S$1.440  per  New  Unit  (the “Preferential  Offering  Issue  Price  Range”)  to  raise  gross  proceeds  of approximately  between  S$123.4  million  and  S$125.1  million.

NAV $1.61.
Pls dyodd.

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