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Monday, April 22, 2019

Frasers Com Trust

2Qtr result is out!
NPI is down 4.9% to 20,087m versus last year 21,122m.

Gross revenue is also down 3.6% to 30,402m versus last year 31,546m.

Gearing is healthy stood at 29.1%.

The AEI initiatives for the Alexandra Technopark of 45m has been comocompl. Adding 13,300-square feet amenity hub.

The FCF is a concern.
The amount of FCF generated is not sufficient to cover the dividend payout of 33,784m .

FCF for half year generated was 25,105m less capex 10,805 = 14,300m.

FCF of 14.3m is vastly not enough to cover the dividend payout of 33.784m.

DPU of 2.4 cents .

Not a call to buy or sell.

Pls dyodd.

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