

Friday, August 4, 2017

Food Empire

Food Empire - 4th Aug 2017

Food Empire(F03.SI)
A Nice GAP up with a Beautiful White soldier couple with quite a high volume this is generally positive.

A second white soldier appeared on the chart. Likely to see a Third soldier to be played out. Taking out of 71.5 would certainly create the next wave of trending higher.

2nd quarter result is just round the corner. 
It may provide the catalyst to drive the share price even higher.
Recent share buy back by director may view current price is still undervalue.

1st Qtr result of EPS 1.18 US cents =  2.5 cents. Estimate the whole year EPS of about 5.5 cents . Let says a PE of 17x would be arriving a TP of 93.5 cents.

Short term TP of 78  .

( Trade base on your own decision)

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