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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

CNMC Goldmine

CNMC Goldmine - 11th Aug 2016

2nd quarter result of 5.85mnet profit an increase of 32.1% & Eps of 1.61 cent seems a set of good result.

Presume whole year Eps of 5.5 cents and estimate a PE of 12.5 time, I think short term target price of 70 cents may be achieveable.

Looks like it may move up to test 56 cents soon.Breaking out of 56 cents with good volume that may drive the share price higher towards 61 cents then 70 cents.

 I think very important Points to take note:
1. Zero debts
2. I think net cash per share about 8+ cents
3. ROI - about 20+%.
4. Eps about 5.5-6 cents.
5. Short term TP - let says PE of about 11.6X  70 cents of which i think could be easily achievable.

(Trade base on yr own decision)

quote - http://infopub.sgx.com/FileOpen/CNMC%202Q2016%20press%20release%20_Final.ashx?App=Announcement&FileID=416395

Increased Gold Production and Gold Price Drive CNMC’s Quarterly Revenue and Net Profit to Record Highs in 2Q2016
 Gold output of 9,807 ounces highest in any quarter since start of production
All-in cost of production down 3.3% from 2Q2015 at US$500/oz
 Strong net cash balance of US$32.35M as at 30 June 2016
 Reflecting the strong performance and financial position, CNMC will increase the 1st interim tax-exempt dividend by 11.1% to 0.20 Singapore cent a share, up from 0.18 Singapore cent a share a year earlier.

Mr Chris Lim, CNMC’s Chief Executive Officer, said: “One of our immediate priorities is to complete the due diligence for the proposed acquisition of adjacent-situated Pulai Mining, which will expand our portfolio as it has licences to explore and mine for not just gold but also iron ore and feldspar. We believe this asset will add a lot of value to CNMC once we get it off the ground.” As announced on 28 June 2016, CNMC has signed a non-binding letter of intent to acquire 51% of Pulai Mining Sdn Bhd, which is authorised to carry out mining work in an area in Kelantan almost four times the size of its flagship Sokor gold field project. The Company proposed to pay RM13.8 million for the stake.

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